August 22, 2009


If you have been following my blog since I started it, you probably noticed how many times I have changed around my header and the look of my name. I have a super hard time settling on one thing unless I love it. Well, I have found something I love. For now at least :)
I figured I should put a little explanation to why I choose grace. When I was younger I used to think of fake names I would use if I became famous or started my own business but now I think, why not use the perfectly good name I was given? So, my middle name is Grace, which was given to me because it is my grandmother's middle name. I have always loved my middle name. I also choose not to go by Albrecht because I know that one day I will no longer be an Albrecht in writing.
Grace is such a beautiful word. I recently looked it up in the dictionary and was in awe at it's definitions...
1. elegance or beauty of form, manner, movement, or action
2. the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God
My photography is meant to embody the word of "grace" and tell the story of a day in the life of you.

1 comment:

Erica McKeehen said...

i've always loved the name... or the word, rather. also the name of a beautiful song by U2. :) you should look up the lyrics... made me think of this post.

hope you're having a lovely summer and evolving all the more.